Privacy Policy


Unless stated otherwise below, the provision of your personal data is neither legally nor contractually obligatory, nor required for conclusion of a contract. You are not obliged to provide your data. Not providing it will have no consequences. This only applies as long as the processing procedures below do not state otherwise.

“Personal data” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Server log files

You can use our websites without submitting personal data.

Every time our website is accessed, user data is transferred to us or our web hosts/IT service providers by your internet browser and stored in server log files. This stored data includes for example the name of the site called up, date and time of the request, the IP address, amount of data transferred and the provider making the request. The processing is carried out on the basis of Article 6(1) f) GDPR due to our legitimate interests in ensuring the smooth operation of our website as well as improving our services.

Contact of the Person responsible for data processing:

E-mail: [email protected]

GDPR Representative in the EU:

Dr. Jörg Brettschneider

Hardenstraße 51

20539 Hamburg

+49 40 33396705

Customer account Orders

Customer account

When you open a customer account, we will collect your personal data in the scope given there. The data processing is for the purpose of improving your shopping experience and simplifying order processing. The processing will be carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with your consent up to the withdrawal. Your customer account will then be deleted.

Collection, processing, and transfer of personal data in orders

When you submit an order we only collect and use your personal data insofar as this is necessary for the fulfilment and handling of your order as well as processing of your queries. The provision of data is necessary for conclusion of a contract. Failure to provide it will prevent the conclusion of any contract. The processing will occur on the basis of Article 6(1) b) GDPR and is required for the fulfilment of a contract with you.

Your data is transferred here for example to the shipping companies and dropshipping providers, payment service providers, service providers for handling the order and IT service providers that you have selected. We will comply strictly with legal requirements in every case. The scope of data transmission is restricted to a minimum.

Evaluations Newsletter

Data collection when you post a comment

When you are logged in to your customer account you can rate our products. When you comment on an article or a contribution, we collect your personal data (name, email address, comment text) only in the scope provided by you. The processing serves to allow you to comment and to display comments. By submitting the comment you agree to the processing of the transmitted data. The processing will be carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with your consent up to the withdrawal. Your personal data will then be deleted.

On publication of your comment only the name you have entered will be published.

Use of your email address for mailing of newsletters

We use your email address outside of contractual processing exclusively to send you a newsletter for our own marketing purposes, if you have explicitly agreed to this. The processing will be carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with your consent up to the withdrawal. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time using the relevant link in the newsletter or by contacting us. Your email address will then be removed from the distributor.

Payment service providers

Using PayPal

All PayPal transaction are covered by the PayPal Data Privacy Statement. You can found this at

Your data will be forwarded to a service provider for email marketing in the course of order processing. It will not be forwarded to other third parties.


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files which are saved in a user’s internet browser or by the user’s internet browser on their computer system. When a user calls up a website, a cookie may be saved on the user’s operating system. This cookie contains a characteristic character string which allows the browser to be clearly identified when the website is called up again.

We use these cookies to make our offering more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies also allow our systems to recognise your browser after a page change and to offer you services. Some functions of our website cannot be offered without the use of cookies. These services require the browser to be recognised again after a page change.

Processing is carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR due to our largely justified interest in ensuring the optimal functionality of the website as well as a user-friendly and effective design of our range of services.

Cookies will be stored on your computer. You therefore have full control over the use of cookies. By choosing corresponding technical settings in your internet browser, you can be notified before the setting of cookies and you can decide whether to accept this setting in each individual case as well as prevent the storage of cookies and transmission of the data they contain. Cookies which have already been saved may be deleted at any time. We would, however, like to point out that this may prevent you from making full use of all the functions of this website.

Using the links below, you can find out how to manage cookies (or deactivate them, among other things) in major browsers:

Chrome Browser:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:


Analysis Advertising

The data processing described subsequently in this section, especially the setting of cookies, will be carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR due to our largely justified interest:

- in the needs-based and target-oriented design of our website, for example, with tools for analysis and statistics

- in addressing the website visitors in a targeted manner using interest-based advertisement, e.g. using conversion tracking

You have the right to veto this processing of your personal data according to art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR, for reasons relating to your personal situation.

Use of Google Analytics

Our website uses the web analysis service Google Analytics by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”).

Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) is the data controller responsible for your data if you have your habitual residence in the European Economic Area or Switzerland. Google Ireland Limited is therefore the company affiliated with Google which is responsible for processing your data and for compliance with applicable data protection laws.

The processing of data serves to analyse this website and its visitors. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services to the website operator relating to website and internet use. The IP address communicated by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not associated with any other data held by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies, which make it possible to analyse your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie regarding your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. IP anonymisation is activated on this website. Google uses this to shorten your IP address beforehand within Member States of the European Union or in other signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Your data may be transmitted to the USA. Following the US-EU Data Protection Agreement, Google has become “Privacy Shield“ certified and is therefore obliged to observe European data protection laws. You can prevent collection of the data (including your IP address) generated by the cookies and related to your use of the website by Google as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link []. You can set an opt-out cookie to prevent collection by Google Analytics across devices. Opt-out cookies prevent the future collection of your data when you visit this website. You need to opt-out on all systems and devices in use for this to work comprehensively. If you click here, the opt-out cookie is set: Disable Google Analytics.

You can find more detailed information on the terms and conditions of use and data protection at and at

Use of Yahoo Web Analytics

Our website uses the Yahoo Web Analytics service of Yahoo! EMEA Limited (5-7 Point Village, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland; "Yahoo").

Data processing serves the purpose of analysing this website and its visitors. Data is collected and stored for this purpose. This data can be used to create user profiles under a pseudonym. Cookies may be used for this purpose. These enable the recognition of the Internet browser.

In order to prevent data collection and storage by Yahoo across all devices, you can set an opt-out cookie here . Opt-out cookies prevent the future collection of your data when you visit this website. You must opt-out on all systems and devices used for this to be fully effective. If you delete the opt-out cookie, requests will be resubmitted to Yahoo.

For more information about the functionality and privacy of Yahoo, please see

Use of the remarketing or “similar target groups” function by Google

Our website uses the remarketing or “similar target groups” function by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”).

Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) is the data controller responsible for your data if you have your habitual residence in the European Economic Area or Switzerland. Google Ireland Limited is therefore the company affiliated with Google which is responsible for processing your data and for compliance with applicable data protection laws.

This function serves to analyse visitor behaviour and visitor interests. Google uses cookies to analyse website use, forming the basis for producing interest-related adverts. Cookies allow for the recording of website visits as well as anonymised data on the use of the website. The personal data of website visitors is not saved. If you then visit another website in the Google display network you will then be shown adverts which are more likely to take previous areas of product and information interest into account.

Your data may also be transmitted to the USA. Following the US-EU Data Protection Agreement, Google has become “Privacy Shield“ certified and is therefore obliged to observe European data protection laws. For this purpose you can permanently deactivate the use of cookies by following the link below and downloading and installing the plug-in:

Alternatively, you can deactivate the use of cookies by third parties by calling up the Network Advertising Initiative deactivation page at and following the opt-out instructions. You can find more detailed information on Google remarketing as well as the associated data protection declaration at:

Use of Facebook remarketing

Our website uses the remarketing function “Custom Audiences” by Facebook Inc. (1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA; “Facebook”).This function serves to address the visitor to the website with interest-related advertising on the social network Facebook. We have implemented Facebook’s remarketing tag on our website for this purpose. This tag sets up a direct connection to Facebook’s servers when you visit our website. This informs the Facebook server which of our web pages you have visited. Facebook assigns this information to your personal Facebook user account. When you visit the social network Facebook you will then be shown personalised, interest-related Facebook ads. Your data may also be transmitted to the USA. Following the US-EU Data Protection Agreement, Facebook has become “Privacy Shield“ certified and is therefore obliged to observe European data protection laws. You can deactivate the remarketing function “Custom Audiences” here. You can find more detailed information on Facebook’s collection and use of data, your associated rights and options for protecting your privacy in Facebook’s privacy policy:

Use of Bing Ads

Our website uses Bing Ads, provided by the Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA; “Microsoft”).

If you click on an advert placed by Microsoft Bing Ads, a cookie is placed on your computer for conversion tracking. This cookie has a limited validity and does not serve purposes of personal identification. If you visit certain pages on our website and the cookie has not yet expired, we and Microsoft can recognise that you have clicked on the advert and were forwarded to this page.

The information collected using the conversion cookie serves the purpose of producing conversion statistics. This allows us to find out the total number of users who have clicked on our adverts and were forwarded to a page equipped with a conversion tracking tag. It does not however enable personal identification of the user.

Your data may also be transmitted to the USA. Following the US-EU Data Protection Agreement, Microsoft has become “Privacy Shield“ certified and is therefore obliged to observe European data protection laws.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by choosing corresponding technical settings in your internet browser. After doing this, it is however possible that you will not be able to use all functions of the website fully. As a result, you will not be part of the conversion tracking statistics. You can find further information on data protection and the cookies used by Microsoft Bing at:


Use of YouTube

Our website uses the function for the embedding of YouTube videos provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; “YouTube”). YouTube is an affiliated company of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA;“Google”).

This feature shows YouTube videos in an iFrame on the website. The option “advanced privacy mode” is enabled here. This prevents YouTube from storing information on visitors to the website. It is only if you watch a video that information is transmitted to and stored by YouTube.

Your data may also be transmitted to the USA. Following the US-EU Data Protection Agreement, Google has become “Privacy Shield“ certified and is therefore obliged to observe European data protection laws.

Further information on the data collected and used by YouTube and Google, your rights and privacy can be found in YouTube’s privacy policy (

Rights of persons affected and storage duration

Duration of storage

After contractual processing has been completed, the data is initially stored for the duration of the warranty period, then in accordance with the retention periods prescribed by law, especially tax and commercial law, and then deleted after the period has elapsed, unless you have agreed to further processing and use.

Rights of the affected person

If the legal requirements are fulfilled, you have the following rights according to art. 15 to 20 GDPR: Right to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability. You also have a right of objection against processing based on art. 6 (1) GDPR, and to processing for the purposes of direct marketing, according to art. 21 (1) GDPR.

Contact us at any time. Our contact details can be found in our imprint.

Right to complain to the regulatory authority

You have the right to complain to the regulatory authority according to art. 77 GDPR if you believe that your data is not being processed legally.

Right to object

If the data processing outlined here is based on our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6(1)f) GDPR, you have the right for reasons arising from your particular situation to object at any time to the processing of your data with future effect.

If the objection is successful, we will no longer process the personal data, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests or rights and freedoms, or the processing is intended for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.

If personal data is being processed for the purposes of direct advertising, you can object to this at any time by notifying us. If the objection is successful, we will no longer process the personal data for the purposes of direct advertising.


Applicable Law

These conditions are governed by and construed exclusively under the law of Luxembourg without regard to conflicts of laws principles.

Terms of use

Company name:Lomeway E-Commerce (Luxembourg) Limited? Address:29 Boulevard Prince Henri 1724 Luxembourg? (Note: To return a package, please contact our Customer Service for a return address. Please do not use this address directly as it is not for returning service.)